Here are my clients Event poster and flyers, this to enhance the brand and message of the company. I create the presentation for events.
The art of advertising has evolved over the years, cater to the demands of customers and the competition in the industry. The best advertising campaign is done with creativity, skills and technology. An ad campaign can be creative, educational or entertaining. It can be done in print or through electronic media such as television, radio, internet and social media. Advertising materials are often branded or have a particular theme to communicate with a targeted audience.
A playbill is used for plays and musicals; it is also used as an agenda for theater managers. A playbill has information such as date, time, venue name and description of the event. In addition, playbills usually have an illustration or design on it to catch the attention of people passing by. A signboard advertisement is a large board placed on a building to advertise something like a shop window display. Billboards are also found in public spaces such as train stations and bus stops. They can be designed with text, images or video content depending on their purpose. A playbill is a poster used by theater groups to promote their shows. Theater groups use them to advertise their upcoming performances at local theaters and art centers. Theater groups may create their own playbills or buy them from commercial printers or ad agencies. Theater groups use playbills in conjunction with their tickets which allow them access to the theater they are promoting. A theater group’s playbill looks different from one theater group to another depending on their brand style and design standards. A billboard is a poster used by advertisers especially for promoting products or services through outdoor media such as buses, trains and taxi advertising boards (www.advertisingandmarketingblogger).
Advertising materials have transformed over time as technology has created new ways to reach customers effectively— creatively, educationally or even entertainingly! The perfect advertisement must combine creativity, skills and technology into one coherent message so people know how good the product is! |